Monday 5 March 2007

Rock Climbing Postponed

We're going next week! We were told that there would be 50 kids there from 7:30 pm, and decided that we'd rather wait for a quieter time. I was glad, as it will be easier for me to manage getting there next week.

Instead of rock climbing, I did a Body Pump class. That's the class with barbells and squats. I have studiously avoided it in the past, even though my personal trainer takes this class right after my p/t session. I figured that I would make the effort tonight, as the rock climbing was off. I'm really glad that I did. It was much easier than I remembered (ok, Leanne talked me into a class a few months back) and I enjoyed being able to last the distance through the squats and lunges.

This morning I got myself to the gym for a gentle cardio session. I did 20 mins of "Aerobic Training" at 5.6 km/h on level 6 followed by 10 mins of walking at 6 km/h. This evening I had my usual p/t session. It was a weights session, doing a number of activities that aren't in my regular program. I always find these sessions fun, even though they are hard work.

There were stacks of people at the gym tonight. It seems that all the advertising Fernwood are doing during Biggest Loser is definitely paying off. It felt really crowded when I got there just before 6 pm. The numbers fell right off close to 7 pm though, which meant there was plenty of space for me in Body Pump.

Because the rock climbing was postponed, the group fitness session is going to be a 5 km run with the ACT Cross Country Club. I am not sure I can do it. If I'm on the bus tomorrow evening, I won't be in town in time for the 6pm start. If I get a lift, it might be possible, although the logistics of getting to the starting point will need to be worked out. Mind you, I joined the ACTCCC today. All I have to do now is get to one of their runs!

My planned fitness sessions are a cardio session in the morning followed by a different one in the evening, before I head off to Trivia. My main challenge for tomorrow will be to eat enough. I've been struggling with that the last two Tuesday nights. Still, I'm aware of the problem now so I should be able to overcome it.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

Well done joining the running club!!! It has worked wonders for me, and I hope you will have the same result!

You continue to amaze me with the amount of exercise you are doing! No wonder you are having these massive improvements!